Airi Huoponen Foote has been involved in art since her childhood in Lahti, Finland. She has always had a strong interest in drawing and painting.
Originally, she took some classes and began painting professionally as an oil painter, creating primarily realistic landscapes and still lifes. In recent years, Airi has attended a wide variety of art workshops and has extensively broadened her repertoire of subjects and media.
She creates abstract works from miniatures to large pieces, utilizing watercolors, acrylics, mixed media, collage, and marbling. She has been rewarded with numerous awards from regional, national, and international juried shows.
Member Of
- Northwest Watercolor Society (Signature Member)
- Watercolor Society of Oregon (Signature Member)
- National Collage Society (Signature Member)
- International Society of Experimental Artists (Signature Member, Nautilus Fellow, Master Artist)
- Miniature Art Society of Florida
- Miniature Painters, Sculptors, and Engravers Society of Washington, D.C.
- Lake Area Artists (Oregon)
- Painter’s Showcase (Oregon)
- Buffalo Grass Watercolor Society (Oregon)